Technological solutions

We have a center of imports of latest technology of 5,000 m2 equipped with articulated fork cranes of super-narrow aisle with capacity of stacking up to 12 m, and with pallet braekdown system in automatic trench of leveling to floor.

We offer state-of-the-art refrigeration services, with independent cameras for frozen, refrigerated and temperature controlled service to segregate merchandise according to product type.

Web consultations for external clients with responsive presentation layer and adaptive design that prioritizes the correct display of the same page on different devices, from desktop computers to tablets or mobile phones and with design flexibility, which considerably improves the appearance and operation.

Wireless connectivity power with Ruckus industrial access point devices. Technology that guarantees better connectivity performance by mitigating interference, increasing simultaneous connections, allowing automatic search of channels with less congestion.

We have contingency communication via Radio Enlace, to maintain operational continuity in the face of any inconvenience related to Fibras.

Cloud platform in which all the servers and systems are located, minimizing risks in case of facing catastrophes.

Variety of database engines properly set up for data protection, access control, high availability and user management.

Help Desk software for requirements support and incidents of Aerosan internal users.

USB locks on workstations to prevent malicious software to the network and information leakage.

Automatic weighing records by difference or bulk removed.

Systemic photographic records in the process of loading internment.

Alarm system by horn for the control and correct assignment at the exit of the cargo.

Load labeling system for storage control and collection.

Pre-Gate transport logging system.

Automatic process of notifications of guides to customers or airlines.

Short-term project to use robust tablet mobile devices with software that records the operation of positioning.

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